Our Content | Your Pace

Each event in the Digital Week Series kicks off with livestreamed content, housed within a portal that is full of curated content including interviews, articles, case studies, product demonstrations and more.

Sponsoring a Digital Week event puts your company in front of a captive audience in an immersive experience. Product demonstrations, material downloads, speaking spots and more are available.

On Demand
The best part about the Digital Week Series is that you will have access to the portal all year! Even if you can’t make the livestreamed sessions, you can still access all content at your own pace.

We’re at a time when the information and connection is needed now, but traveling to a tradeshow or conference just isn’t a readily available option. Digital Week brings together the content, the insights, the discussions, the solutions within one portal.
Cell Backhaul: July 20 – 23
As the world navigates the landscape shaped by COVID-19, the need to reduce digital divides becomes more important than ever before. Satellite-based cell backhaul comes to the forefront as a viable, reliable solution to help connect rural and remote communities who are in need of connectivity. Cell Backhaul Digital Week will bring together telecommunications carriers, mobile network operators, satellite operators and more. Now on-demand.
Oil & Gas: August 17 – 20
As oil and gas prices continue to fluctuate, operators are keeping one eye on prices in order to start new production, and the other eye on developing technology to create more efficiencies in their daily operations. Created in partnership with the OilComm Conference and Exposition, the Oil & Gas Digital Week will provide guidance, information and discussion for the oil & gas community on how they can progress forward, and begins the dialogue that will culminate at OilComm in October.
CyberSatGov: October 19 – 22
CyberSatGov Digital Week, created in partnership with the CyberSatGov Summit, is an extension of the physical event to take place earlier in October. CyberSatGov Digital Week continues the conversations and connections from the in-person event and incorporates a wider audience of government, military, satellite and cybersecurity professionals.
MilSatCom: November 16 – 19
Rounding out the 2020 Digital Week Series is the MilSatCom Digital Week, focused on military satellite communications and the technology and services imperative to deploying resilient networks. MilSatCom Digital Week will cover all challenges, no matter the battlespace.
Connect with us to learn about the latest event news and be reminded about pricing deadlines and more.